Barcelona, 13-25 July

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Key words: interactive structures, energy optimization,ecology, metabolism, artificial intelligence, open data, digital fabrication, parametric design, DIY tools
SMART itSELF is an agenda with research and education goals that combines science and technology with architecture and urban planning. Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Self-Sufficiency, Self-Fabrication, Self-Organization, Self- Design and Self- and Collective Intelligence are some of the key words on which the academic agenda of the programme will focus.
The final outcome of the programme will include the design and fabrication of interactive and parametric structures for energy optimization

Tutors: Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez, Rodrigo Rubio
Computational Experts: Luis Fraguada, Alex Posada
Guest Jury: Carolina Vallejo, Andreu Ulied, Vicente Guallart, Willy Müller

Calendar: Programme duration: 13-25July 2012
The programme is structured in three sections:
1. Digital Design and Parametric Modeling
2. Interactive and Informational Development
3. Digital Fabrication Prototyping

Software: Rhino, RhinoCam, Grasshopper, Ecotect, Arduino, Processing

Certification: All participants will receive an official certificate from  IAAC and the Fab Lab BCN testifying to their participation in the course and accrediting their knowledge of the software used and expertise in Digital Fabrication techniques.

For more info click here 

Previous IAAC Summer Schools: Visit the previous IAAC Summer Schools, which focused on:
1. Hyperhabitat /2008
2. Fab Lab Solar House  /2009
3. Informalism /2010
4. Networked Smart Cities /2011

Get informed on the application details at : info@iaac.net

La Redazione
Architettare.it è un Vortal dedicato ad architettura, design e lifestyle. Nasce nel 2000, come blog di studenti dell’Università di Architettura di Roma La Sapienza. Pubblica il primo articolo nell’Ottobre dello stesso anno e dalla data di fondazione ha ricevuto diversi apprezzamenti dalla critica e dal pubblico, tanto da essere uno dei siti più apprezzati e longevi del settore.